‘Kafka on the Shore’ by Haruki Murakami /a short book review/

As I promised at the beginning of the year, I am starting an online reading diary, where to present my thoughts on the last books I’ve read. A week ago I finished Haruki Murakami‘s novel Kafka on the Shore and I should admit I have mixed feelings about it.

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A reading diary

I still remember how back in 8th grade our literature teacher made us create a reading diary. Almost everybody complained it was a waste of time. And then, there was me, having fun while thinking over the book, the writing style, the characters, the plot (Gosh, this sounds so nerdy 😀). I have always been predisposed to love literature so discussing a book has never felt like so much of a burden. I just needed to learn how to do it on paper ‘cuz back then I was incapable of posing a written argument longer than a few sentences. It was in fact this task which helped me develop my writing and reasoning abilities, so I am truly grateful to my teacher for coming up with the idea.

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     My writing consistency is quite exceptional, having in mind that it usually takes me at least a month till I post something new, but who am I to stop the urge when it’s there? However, this one would be short. It’s just that I woke up with Maya Angelou’s poetry at the back of mind and thus, decided to drink my coffee while reading more of her works, and then more of other poets’ works. I swear, I can stay in http://www.poemhunter.com/  for hours during the weekend (I try to cut away from it at week days) and only the need to pee could distract me.Anyway, so in the middle of the process I felt them – the verses forming…

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Of reading books

“Books are more than doctors, of course. Some novels are loving, lifelong companions;some give you a clip around the ear; others are friends who wrap you in warm towels when you’ve got those autumn blues. And some…well, some are pink candy floss that tingles in your brain for three seconds and leaves a blissful voice. Like a short, torrid love affair.” – Nina George

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